What annotation options are there in PDF files?

< 1 min read

While viewing the file you can make comments and respond to the given comments. You can also highlight or strikethrough the text and compare file versions with each other.

PDF annotation interface in QuickReviewer, displaying various markup tools such as highlights, comments, and drawing options on a document

There is also an option to find a phrase or a word from the document using the search icon. Highlight all words, match case or match whole word. Allow fuzzy search and ignore characters with accents (eg. à, ê, ç, ï) and jump between the next and previous searched word. 

QuickReviewer interface displaying a PDF document with a search bar and highlighted search results

The page navigation tools at the bottom right give you a list of options to:

  • > Navigate to the first, previous, next or last page
  • > Jump to any page by entering the page number
  • > Rotate the PDF clockwise or anticlockwise. Comments rotate with the page
  • > For books, brochures and print collateral you can view odd and even spreads
  • > Zoom up to 400%
  • > View the PDF in full screen view


QuickReviewer interface displaying additional PDF options, including annotation, commenting, and review tools

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